Have you ever observed any correlation between reading issues and particularly in 9-10 year olds the co-occurrence of an interdental lisp?
Hi, My findings through the years have been different from yours as far as lispers are concerned. Do the kids have multiple problems or only lisping? The kids I’ve seen strictly for lisping have for the most part lacked any other issues, such as reading difficulties or language problems. Usually, the findings of my oral examination correlate with the symptoms the patient exhibits. For example: If the lips are found to be weak by the Myo Lip Meter and are in an open posture most of the time, the bilabial sounds are likely to be imprecise. If the tongue is maintained forward and the mandible “carries” it, the sounds will be imprecise, etc. Of course, a lisp can be present along with other issues (reading, language, writing, etc.), but I have found that lisps, for the most part, are directly related to the structures and to the muscle function; therefore, there should not be a correlation to subjects related to different areas of the brain, such as reading. Don’t take my word as gospel, since we learn new things all the time, but I have related my observations to you as I’ve interpreted them. Take care,