Hi Sandra, Can the Neon Exercise Elastics be sanitized in boiling water or do you typically have patients reuse them? I wonder this because my client had a canker sore recently and I just wondered if it would be best to use fresh ones each time or not so as to avoid germs reinfecting his mouth? Also, – can the braiding for the Elevator Disks and Braiding be sanitized similarly to Battle Buttons and twine? Thank you.
Yes, many therapists place the Neon Exercise Elastics in a Chlorox – water solution. The ratio of Clorox to water varies. I have received information from some that use between 3 – 9 drops of bleach per cup. Others give the patient enough elastics to hold them for several weeks, sometimes giving them one of the 100 item packages on their first visit. They can be charged a small fee to cover additional packages if they lose them or are careless with them. The Elevator Disk and braiding can be done similarly and then placed to dry on a clean surface