Hi Sandra Today, a 5 year old, (parents divorced recently,) had stopped thumb sucking, but recently went back to it. I’m wondering how long to wait, because of the divorce issues and living in 2 households now, etc. She’s suppose to let me know when she’s ready, but do I put this off for a while due to the divorce?
I have some questions first: Is this someone whom YOU have helped to stop thumb sucking or had she quit on her own? You mentioned the divorce as having occurred recently, but how recently has it been? Is she sleeping between houses? Has she gone back to the same amount of thumb sucking with regard to frequency, intensity and duration? There’s no pat answer when dealing with any particular child, so you have to learn as much as you can about this child’s situation and if she remains motivated… gently probe her feelings and as you listen to her responses, proceed with caution, depending upon how the she reacts and responds to your probe. Remember that it is better to wait and have a good chance for success than to proceed too early and add failure to an already sad situation for the child. Sandra