Q: Are some of the treatment approaches and methods more suitable for RDHs, DDSs, or SLPs?
A: No, orofacial myology treatment protocol is the same for all of those who have been trained in our courses. Since we do not delve deeply into areas outside of solid orofacial myology preparation in the 28 hour course, our Myo Manual treatment program is appropriate for all of the above professionals. Once our graduates are experienced in the basic training program, they occasionally explore areas that are more peripheral to orofacial myology. At that point, their background training in speech pathology or dental hygiene or orthodontics does play a part as to what outlying areas are within their individual scopes of practice. We caution them to be careful not to confuse the public into thinking that any outside areas are part of the field of orofacial myology, but rather they are adjunct areas in which the therapist “also” took training course work.