Dear Sandra, My daughter saw the video for Unplugging the Thumb. She followed the steps without problems and she stopped sucking the thumb. My only concern is that now she is really embarrassed about her teeth and the ugly bump on her thumb. What can I say to her in order to make her more confident with herself? By the way, thank you for your wonderful program. It was easy, and clear. I had used a thumb guard before and it made my daughter’s tongue sore. It was a disgusting experience and she was so afraid, but your program was so calm and easy. Thank you again.
Hello, and thanks for contacting us. We’re so happy the program worked well with your daughter. In the past, before this program was offered to parents, I used it in my therapy center. I always took photos or videos at the first treatment session. Then we openly discussed the damage that the thumb or fingers was causing and how stopping the sucking habit would improve the child’s appearance, her smile, and any bumps on the thumb or fingers. I kept the conversation light and optimistic. It might be a good idea for you to do something similar so that she thinks of the entire experience positively, including the fact that she is now improving all the aforementioned areas. I’m sorry that you didn’t find us before having a bad experience with the other products, but at least you are on the right path!!! Glad you came to blog with us…