Hi Sandra We had an ankyloglossus case that we referred for frenectomy. Will this teenager need therapy after the procedure? I did not do a complete evaluation, just referred her out for the surgery, when it was observed during her 6mo recall that she had a need for the frenectomy. Should I have her come in right after the healing and check out all the functions? L.
Hi L, When you have the great opportunity to see a tongue tie patient prior to surgery, you should do a full evaluation for comparisons post surgery. You want especially to take the MOmax and MOWS measurement comparisons; do you remember how to do that? And you want to take photos for sure prior to surgery. You tell them that they should be seen a few days post surgery and not to wait, since the tongue will revert to its former resting location and former patterns unless you see them shortly after surgery (a few days, max) and begin to teach the tongue (and brain!) the new excursions and movements. Tongue tie patients post surgery need on average 7-10 treatment sessions, depending upon what else you find when you REPEAT the oral exam as soon as the discomfort goes away. Many tongue tied clients do not have weak lips or some of the other symptoms that “typical myo patients” have; thus, the reason for the shorter treatment regimen. Sandra