Do you have some sort of general hierarchy or guidance you can give me for post lingual frenectomy? I have one frenectomy precious little guy, had it done early Oct. Ever since, he began wagging his tongue all over the place, (dancing in celebration of its freedom) or more like for a lack of just not knowing where his tongue should rest. He has good tongue to jaw dissociation and can do a variety of movements, BUT being that I haven’t yet ordered your Quick Tongue Tie Assessment tool, I can’t give you exact numbers. I started by teaching proper rest posture, as well as adding the /t,d,n,l/ phonemes to work on.
A: The QTT is disposable and usually only takes a couple of days to arrive as we get them mailed out within two work days. Until then, you can use any other type of measure, as long as it is sanitized and “sanitizable”. You didn’t mention the age of the boy, but as long as he is 4 or older, your choice of activities is not unreasonable. As far as a hierarchy for post frenectomy, I do have a sequence of exercises. It begins with the proficiency exam #1 from the Myo Manual which is the shaping and excursions we expect the tongue to perform. From there it branches out to the specific findings from the thorough orofacial exam, using both the pre and post measurements and other findings of each individual.