Q: When working to increase time on tongue tip to spot, over what period of time do you increase increments? Obviously it varies case to case, but what’s an acceptable pace for the child not to “overwork.”
A: You are correct that it may vary greatly, depending upon the patient. Let’s think of a “typical’ client who is sent by an orthodontist or other SLP: In that case, it would be common to give 5 minutes daily, having them be certain that the elastic(s) remain where they are placed and once it is consistent, they don’t have to sit around, but can work, study or drive, etc. while doing it. When I used to see clients twice weekly, I added 5 minutes each session; now I see most once weekly and tell them to add the 5 minutes 3-4 days later and continue to the next session. I have them work up to 60 minutes and then sometimes let them break it into 2 thirty minute segments. It counts as the Quiet Time exercise only if they are using the elastic(s) as directed during that time.