I have quite a few kiddies on my caseload who would benefit immensely from a more structured OM approach, as opposed to my own oral-motor exercise mix. Perhaps you’d be able to guide me. In addition, I’m seriously considering purchasing your manual until I can get to one of your courses. I almost feel guilty not being able to provide a more comprehensive treatment than I am. Do you think it is a good idea to buy it ahead of time?
In the past I didn’t encourage someone who was considering taking my course to purchase the Myo Manual ahead of time. However, I have found that those who have done so have benefited greatly during the course. They come ready with questions about any exercises they don’t understand completely and have told me that practicing the program ahead of time greatly enhanced their learning experience during the course. They also became familiar with the forms in the back of the Myo Manual. If you do decide to purchase it ahead of time, register by phone with us and we will deduct the cost of your Myo Manual from the course fee (don’t forget to bring it with you!)