5 year-old sucks fingers
Q: I am about to begin Unplugging the Thumb sucking elimination program with a 5-year-old boy who sucks his fingers and very much wants to quit. He actually sucks the index and middle one. When I first started working with him on articulation last year, I offered to help with the sucking habit (I work
What supplies when starting Myo with caseload?
Q: Hi, I just competed Neo-Health training and I need to set up all my supplies and want advice on the best collection. Obviously, I have the Myo Manual already as you include in with our training class.. Are there enough tools in the class package you gave us? Since I’m a speech-sound disorder specialist, I’m
Why Do SLPs Want to Become Orofacial Myologists?
SLPs report that they feel there is a “missing link’ in the therapy they are providing for clients who are not progressing in articulation/speech sound disorders, swallowing disorders, eating and feeding difficulties, and much more. SLPs want to know how to provide thorough assessment and provide systematic treatment beyond band-aid solutions such as simplistic “tongue
When NANNY is going to be the adult helper
I have implemented Unplugging the Thumb with a 4 year old. Only after the evaluation and scheduling the initial UTT (Unplugging the Thumb) appointment did the mom inform me that the nanny was going to be the adult helper. What do I do now? They are due to come in later this week and the nanny
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Training Courses and Classes
Note: Edit on pagebuilder We prepare you for the Qualification in Orofacial Myology (QOM) through our 28 hour courses Orofacial Myology: From Basics to Habituation. Those that have taken our course rave about their ability to start therapy immediately after our training. This course includes the “Myo Manual,” a detailed evaluation and treatment program, startup tools
Adult tongue sucker
There is no easy help for an adult (or child) tongue sucker. That’s where psychology has to be incorporated. As with all noxious oral habits, you want to work first on Awareness…
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, Parents, speech languge pathologist, Therapists, Uncategorized
Digit habits affecting suctioning ability
The digit sucking…. She ceased this behavior, as of Fall – I’m thinking it was late October. I have seen her, however, now enjoy a lot of tongue gymnastics, twisting and curling her tongue between her front teeth – a form of tongue chewing, I would say
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, Orofacial Myologist, speech languge pathologist, Therapists, Uncategorized
Tongue sucking child
Hello! I have a question, mostly about timing and involvement with a client and ortho needs…..but there is a secondary issue, as well. She has a high arched and narrow palate from digit sucking…..I’ll address this in a minute……so, what I see is good tip to spot, but she wants to “hang” the rest of
Tongue sucking habit
The boy only sucks his tongue at night per mom. He had his adenoids out at 3 and sucked a pacifier until 2. He doesn’t suck anything besides his tongue now and does not use a sippy cup. He does have an open bite though. Do you have any experience with this or could you give me any pointers?
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, occupational therapists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, Parents, physical therapists, SLP-A, speech languge pathologist, Teacher, Therapists, Uncategorized