Techniques And Interventions To Correct /r/


The /r/ sound is one of the most difficult sounds for a clinician to target.


The /r/ sound is one of the most difficult sounds for a clinician to target. Where do we start? The R that initiates a syllable is very different from the R that is vowelized, and the R that is stressed within a word is different from the unstressed R at the end of words…or are they? Covered will be seven basic steps that are necessary to move clients onward toward habituation.

Participants will learn the secrets of taking the correct steps in the correct order. You will no longer be left in limbo, unsure whether to begin with the initial sound in isolation, or in the final position, or with clusters….or whether to simply pull your hair out in frustration! Certain structural and functional complications that interfere with the treatment process are described and ruled out. Basic lingual skills necessary for success are introduced early in the treatment program. Participants will progress — much as their clients will — through small, critical steps along a smooth and sensible pathway leading to the final goal of habituation. Offered for 0.15 ASHA CEUs – 1.5 contact hours.

  1. Rule out various etiologies prior to initiating a program of /r/ therapy.
  2. Understand the basic lingual skills to be maximized before initiating a program of articulation.
  3. Name and describe the seven stages of therapy from “basics to habituation.”
  4. Give at least two examples of methods to obtain a pure, stable and consistent ER in isolation.
  5. Explain the benefits of presenting ER in the final position of words instead of the initial position.


Sandra Holtzman

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