Should I take a Buteyko breathing class? Local dentists have been sending me myo clients and now they have asked me to take a course on breathing. As a Qualified Orofacial Myologist, I am already having success with my clients working with nose breathing versus mouth breathing. Do you know of any other breathing courses other than Buteyko and I would appreciate any advice you can give me. As a past graduate of Neo Health’s course, I always appreciate your input.
Hi, first of all thank you for your compliments. While I am not an expert on Buteyko or any other breathing methods other than what I have used in my clinics in the past for voice disorders and fluency clients, I will offer some advice. Being that your referral sources seem to feel more comfortable continuing to send clients and patients your direction if you add a breathing aspect, you might want to consider taking the Buteyko course. I have a few suggestions along those lines:
• I believe they have both live and online courses. Check into the costs as well as the advantages and disadvantages in one or the other venue for their course offerings.
• Secondly, try to open-mindedly gleam whatever pearls you can from the training to bring back and incorporate where applicable into your Myo Manual Treatment Program.
• And lastly, be very careful to explain to your clients that Buteyko is not myo and myo is not Buteyko. I have heard from clients being seen by some therapists and they are confused about the terminology. They think that Buteyko is part of a myo treatment program. Be sure to let them and your referrals know that it is an additional course, separate from myo, that you chose to attend so that you can apply the information where needed for particular clients.
Thank you for keeping in touch and best wishes as you continue your professional growth. Let us know how your buteyko breathing class experience works out.