It is not within Orofacial Myologist’ scope of practice to identify a tongue tie
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Q: I attended a conference presented by physicians, dentists and speech pathologists. They said that it is not within our scope of practice to identify a tongue tie. What is your take on this? A: Well, that is interesting! I can only speak for those SLPs who have orofacial myology training. Over a period of
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Orthodontist, Teacher
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Individuals With Ankyloglossia Often Have Poor Jaw Stability
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Do you find that individuals with ankyloglossia often have poor jaw stability because they have to move their jaw more to accommodate for the restricted tongue movement they have?
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, speech languge pathologist, Therapists
Frenum Question- R: Techniques and Interventions to Correct /r/
Monday, 15 September 2014
Sometimes a frenum is not short but is still restrictive because of the attachment location on the tongue or onto the lower alveolar ridge.
Can we stretch or lengthen the lingual frenum?
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
"If lingual frena could be stretched, we wouldn't have tongue tied adults!"
Baby’s tongue sticking out of her mouth.
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Today I saw a Mexican American baby 2 1/2 months old that frequently but not always has her tongue sticking out of her mouth. It reminds me of a Down's baby, but she has no other Down Syndrome characteristics.
SLP with tongue tie and OSA
Friday, 30 November 2012
My interest is more concerning: I have a new diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (hypopneas, actually), in which the MD believes that the base of tongue is falling into the airway (and per a recent laryngoscopy, my airway is small).
When I was a child, an orthodontist offered to clip it, but I wasn't having any difficulty with speech, and I hadn't really figured out that my childhood sleep disruption was apnea until all these decades later.
Ankyloglossia with some symptoms missing
Monday, 09 July 2012
When there appears to be NO current obvious difficulties in the presence of a tight lingual frenulum, should one proceed with frenectomy?
Ankyloglossia and palatal expansion, when to do it
Thursday, 08 December 2011
I was recently referred a case where there is an obvious need for a frenectomy, she is 9 and is getting an expander TOMORROW. I need to decide to recommend she get the surgery now and take my chances with the rehab when I basically can't do much more than mobility work while we wait 4-6 months for the expander to be removed, or wait for the frenum surgery after the expander comes off.
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Parents, Therapists, Uncategorized
9 year old, /r/ problem, ankyloglossia, feeding issues
Saturday, 05 March 2011
Hi Sandra, I am taking your /r/ e-course right now and have a question for you about a 9-year-old client who was diagnosed as an infant with a tongue tie but parents were advised not to have it clipped at the time. As a result, he had tremendous feeding problems which mom recalls were a
Thumb sucking and tongue tie, can you recommend one of your graduates?
Wednesday, 09 February 2011
My 3 1/2 year old daughter sucks her thumb..... A dentist separately mentioned possible frenectomy. Can you recommend someone near us to discuss these issues with?
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