Two year sucking habit
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Unfortunately, I have seen through the years that it is easier to eliminate the habit at an age much younger than two years old or to wait until the child is older. Sad,but true. Once the habit is firmly established for 2 years, it is hard to do anything about it until the child can make that decision for herself/himself based on information we can show them and reason with them about the habit.
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, occupational therapists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, Parents, physical therapists, SLP-A, speech languge pathologist, Teacher, Therapists, Uncategorized
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How to restart sucking program?
Saturday, 15 January 2011
I used the program for my son N (6 1/2) in the fall. While he made was successful for 10 nights, he went back to his old habits...