Quick tongue tie assessment questions re norms, lateral scale
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Are there average norms to use when you work with the ROM scale?
Could you tell me how to use the lateral scale?
Orthodontist asks how to use QTT for tongue tie assessment
Thursday, 05 April 2012
I'd like to learn a little more about the Range of Motion measures you described in the newsletter. How do you relate MOWS and MOtts to MOmax? Is there a ratio you use to indicate limited opening? How do you instruct the "suction" position to the patient? Is your curved ROM ruler easier or better to use than a straight ruler?
9 year old, /r/ problem, ankyloglossia, feeding issues
Saturday, 05 March 2011
Hi Sandra, I am taking your /r/ e-course right now and have a question for you about a 9-year-old client who was diagnosed as an infant with a tongue tie but parents were advised not to have it clipped at the time. As a result, he had tremendous feeding problems which mom recalls were a