I was wondering what exactly is included in the Unplugging the Thumb Kit for parents. I apologize if I missed the description, but I couldn’t seem to find it. Thank you. Jen
Hi Jen, Thank you for your email. Here is the information and I hope it can help alleviate your child’s or other person’s thumb/finger sucking habit: Parent Guide with the directions and order of presentation to the child
- Story about a child who makes the decision to quit the sucking habit and her parent becomes her helper
- Video showing the various negative results of sucking habits and the improvement and happiness of children who decide to quit
- Special helper: smiley sockie character to befriend and wear as a reminder
- Activity Book with activities related to quitting the habit and fun pages to do especially during the day when the habit used to take place
- Chart and stickers to record days of accomplishment
- Certificate of Achievement for completing the 10 days of success
There are other popular items available that are not included in the success kit but may be purchased on www.unpluggingthethumb.com or www.neohealthservices.com They are: 1. The Sad Thumb Who Wanted to Become Unplugged: many parents buy this book along with the kit as it tells the story from the thumb and fingers points of view, a novel approach to getting your child to think about the habit in a different way. 2. Pocket Pillow: an adorable pillow with the special helper’s face on one side and on the other side is a handy pocket to insert the hand as a reminder once the 10 day program is completed. By the way, I truly “love” your email address… Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions. And if you do decide to use Unplugging The Thumb, I’d love to hear about your child and how things work out for you. My best, Sandra R. Holtzman