Hello, I have a question about the QTT screener. When used on children (such as 7-10 year olds), what should the measurements be?
Thank you,
I’m not sure if you’re asking “What is a typical opening?” or something else. I’ll give you a rundown here about the Quick Tongue Assessment tool (QTT).
For four years and up it is usually doable. The difference between their maximum opening, measuring incisor edge to incisor edge, compared to their opening when creating a flat suction of the tongue to the palate….is the main thing to obtain. How far they open is usually not relevant, other than if they have TMD or other issues limiting their opening…then the measurement will not be as precise as otherwise. There are a few other reasons we discuss in class but not needed in general.
Since most “myo” clients are unable to suction to palate (a very common issue of myo clients most of the time), you do the following if they cannot suction flat.
Have them place tongue tip to incisive papilla (aka “the spot”) and subtract 6 mm to obtain the missing number related to suction flat.
Here are the acronyms:
MOmax (first measurement not with tongue, just mouth opening incisor edge to incisor edge)
MOWS (IF patient/client CAN suction and open to max maintaining suction)
If patient can do these two above, nothing more is needed. The MOmax should be OVER half of the MOWS. Some say half is acceptable, but I believe differently.
If patient canNOT perform MOWS, then you measure tongue tip to spot help open to maximum and take that measurement less 5 mm and use it as the MOWS. As best as possible, try to have the tongue go directly to spot without curling backwards.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if it is clear or you need more information, Sophia.
Good questions and good thinking.