Adult mix of hypernasality and myo issues
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Hi, This Monday I will see a 25 year-old with a repaired bilateral cleft lip and palate who has hyper nasal speech. She has very obvious myo issues as well just by looking at her smile and face: (crowded teeth, open mouth posture, etc). I thought that I would treat her case like any other
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, occupational therapists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, physical therapists, speech languge pathologist, Therapists
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Bad idea to begin thumb sucking program with 3 year old little ones
Monday, 15 July 2019
Hi I’m getting many myo clients since I took your course three months ago! Oh my goodness… Today I had my first thumb sucking patient that called about her girl’s 3 yr old thumb sucking habit. She’s coming to see me on Monday . I’m going to recommend the unplugging the thumb package. I bought