What should I do if the parent is non-compliant or doesn’t pay attention?
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Q: What should I do if the parent is non-compliant or doesn’t pay attention? A: There are many factors that we could discuss, such as the age of the patient, the setting (therapy office? school setting? patient’s home?), and more. In general, the younger child does need a consistent adult to be aware of the
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It is not within Orofacial Myologist’ scope of practice to identify a tongue tie
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Q: I attended a conference presented by physicians, dentists and speech pathologists. They said that it is not within our scope of practice to identify a tongue tie. What is your take on this? A: Well, that is interesting! I can only speak for those SLPs who have orofacial myology training. Over a period of
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Orthodontist, Teacher