5 1/2 Year Old Who Sucks His Thumb
Monday, 22 April 2019
Hi, I’m a speech pathologist with a 5 and a half year old son who sucks his thumb. I never learned how to approach this problem in school unfortunately. I tried a lot of different ideas I heard about but nothing has been effective. I wonder if I started when he was too young. I
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, occupational therapists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, Parents, physical therapists, speech languge pathologist, Teacher, Therapists
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Terrible progress with /s/
Monday, 01 April 2019
Q: Hi all! I am a SLP working with a 5 year old little boy with all the classic OM issues. Tongue-tie, cross bite, narrow palate, abnormal swallow pattern, poor lingual resting posture, etc. Parents followed through with lingual frenectomy via laser and he completed pre and post frenectomy exercises. I am currently working on