I have a quick question to ask you. I see a 6 year old that has been working through the “program” with me for a frontal lisp. Mom has taken her to two orthodontists and one said to wait before widening her palate, the other said to start in two months or so. Mom wondered if having the appliance in her mouth will further confuse the picture for what she is learning with me. She is about three sessions away before she will begin Phase Three…. haven’t started on the /s/ yet. I would love your opinion….
I would go with the one who says wait. According to Dr. Robert Mason, some kids are being treated too soon much of the time and then there’s little interest left in the bank, so to say….when they really need to focus and be compliant with the ortho work. Since you are about to start phase three, it would be very good if you could complete the treatment program before the expander is used. With reference to the lisp, I usually feel comfortable starting the /s/ work any time after the patient has maximized or passed Proficiency exam #1, so you could go ahead and introduce /s/ now for sure. If you want to see some of the exercises, here’s a link: https://orofacialmyology.com/myo-media/