Hi, I just competed Neo-Health training and I need to set up all my supplies and want advice on the best collection. Obviously, I have the Myo Manual already as you include in with our training class..
Are there enough tools in the class package you gave us?
Since I’m a speech-sound disorder specialist, I’m going to be MYOing almost everyone whom I suspect and setting programs for clients old enough to follow directions.
Should I order a la carte? I thought I remembered a way to log in to the site for discounts for grads, is that correct?
The supplies you received in class were limited to those you needed for the training and a little bit extra, but not for setting up full practice. The free downloads are forms and brochures on the private Myo Grads page on our website. You should have received your personal passcode; if not, contact us to receive it. Also, our wonderful Myo Masters FB group has downloads that our family of grads share with one another and they are a big help…especially getting started! There is a discount on the Myo Grads page currently for extra packets for Unplugging the Thumb so you don’t have to purchase several kits in entirety. We have packets of the disposable items at a low rate just for our grads.
Regarding what to purchase: The Myo Lip Meter is a biggie as far as tools. We Offer the option to include it within your class materials so that it saves you future shipping cost. Since you’re very serious about including myo within your practice, you probably should consider taking that option.
I’m trying to put myself in your place and I think the following tools/materials would be best at this point:
Myo Lip Meter
Combo (includes 2Way and 3Way) Mouth Props
Neon Elastics
Battle Buttons
Elevator Discs
The above are the main tools to get your program going with clients. If you like the convenience of having everything at the start, then consider also getting the Charts. There are three kinds: Lip Meter Charts, Time Charts, and Night Time Charts.
If you come upon the need to offer the Unplugging the Thumb, then you would need the Therapist Edition and beyond that, you will be able to order the myo grad’s disposables package from the Myo Grad’s page.
Let me know if you have any difficulties and we will be able to help you out.
We enjoyed having you in class, truly….
My best,