Q: I understand we would undergo the pre proficiency exam before proceeding to the additional exercises and phases of the Myo Manual. For example, for a new OSA patient, what will be the usual duration and intensity of myo? Doing daily? Two times a week? For how long?
A: Every client will have a different duration for treatment due to many factors including the areas that need more work (as determined by the Pretest. Some are more compliant; some are able to practice more at home, etc. In your specific case of someone with OSA, progress also depends on whether their OSA is caused by an airway issue that can also impact myo, on their age, additional conditions, etc. A typical client for myo without additional complications, on average, needs 20-23+ sessions to work through all three Phases of the Myo Manual. It is typical for clients to do daily home practice, 2-3 times per day. Due to busy schedules, it’s often best to see the client for once weekly sessions.