Hi! I am a therapist. I went through training way back in 2011 from someone else unfortunately, but haven’t seen too many patients. I’m going to be opening my own dental hygiene practice and will also be offering therapy. I just don’t have a solid thumb sucking program and heard yours is awesome! I was wondering if you offer information on how to run your Unplugging the Thumb program?
Hi, and thank you for your inquiry. I’m happy for you that you are about to open your own office. I’m also sorry that you didn’t walk away from your other course years ago with a solid oral habits elimination program. Unplugging the Thumb is inexpensive and you can order it right from our website. Be sure you order the Therapist’s Edition as there is also an edition for parents. The Guide leads you through the program. You should read it and absorb the philosophy behind it well ahead of providing it to your first client.
I developed it many years ago by asking the most experienced orofacial myologists at the time what types of programs they used. Then I ordered every thumb sucking book on the market, many of which were children’s books, and analyzed them as well. I reviewed everything bit by bit and it took about a year and a half to complete Unplugging the Thumb to my satisfaction.
In it, there is an answer to almost every question that might arise, along with what to do in various circumstances. It is a 10 day program since I do not believe in dragging something on for weeks once a child has made up his/her mind to quit. There are 4 main components that are necessary in a solid program for oral habit elimination: Awareness of the child regarding the habit; Child’s decision to quit; Self-fulfilling prophesy; and of course, a positive reinforcement program. Unplugging the Thumb leads the child down the path to these four necessary components.
You will undoubtedly find the answers to any questions within the Therapist Guide. Additionally, our Neo-Health team including myself are always here to help you!