February, 2010
Daughter thumb sucking must stop
I just ordered your Unplugging the Thumb kit : ) We have decided to have our daughter stop during winter break so that it doesn’t interfere with her school work and concentration. She is very upset about it but it has to be done. She is 6 and her 1st tooth is going to be falling out soon and your kit I think will really help her and sooth the situation. I would reeeeeeeeally like to have the kit by the 18th of Dec. Do you think you could make that happen? I don’t mind paying extra for the shipping.
The most important thing is to get your daughter to make the decision. She mustn’t feel pressured and please don’t let yourself be pressured. Whether she begins immediately or in a few weeks, the important thing is that it is done with her feeling good about herself and that she is doing it for herself and not to please others. This first step is truly the key to the success I have achieved through the years. I can help you out with the minor details that might arise, but try to follow the Parent Guide as perfectly as you can. I give highly trained therapists only a bit of leeway, so for parents it is best to be sure not to cut any edges. So relax, remember that it doesn’t matter what exact day she begins…only that you both will work as a team and she will feel good about it. Thus, I could send it faster and you’d pay more for S & H, but you’d still need that breathing space time so that she will be at a more relaxed place emotionally when it does arrive. If you start the “breathing space” tomorrow (be sure to tell teachers, relatives, etc. not to bug her during this time), then you should considering waiting until after vacation rather than during. It is better to postpone the new program when there will be a lot of excitement in her life. You just want to be sure that the timing is right as that is important.
Hope this helps.