I have a client (new to me) who just came back to in-clinic therapy (from teletherapy). He does have a tongue tie, and it’s affecting his /r/, s/ and,/l/ sounds significantly. The problem is this…they are moving the first week of July. Should I write a recommendation letter for surgery now and attempt to have the surgery done as soon as possible before they move? If the client does get his tongue clipped, he may move soon afterwards and not receive speech therapy for a few weeks post-surgery. Would it do more harm than good to have the surgery done now?
Your questions are VERY WELL THOUGHT OUT.
1. Was he being seen in teletherapy by someone in your same company? I ask because if so, you have to be careful and very diplomatic or the family will wonder why the other person didn’t know about the tongue tie.
2. Are you able to describe to his parent and him how his tongue tie is affecting his articulation? If you can, then do so in detail with them to help them understand why it is needed, whether right away or after their move. It isn’t fair to the child to be trying to produce sounds that are not going to become habituated because of something acting as a barrier and out of his own control.
3. You didn’t tell me his age, but I will assume it is 8 years or older since you are concerned about those particular sounds (Although, an orofacial myology disorder would indicate even earlier that he would not be able to acquire habituation for the sounds).
4. Depending upon the type of release, he might or might not be able to begin therapy shortly after the release.
I suggest the following:
Prior to his moving, try to find a professional that is experienced in frenectomy procedures who is in the new location and ask about Then check to see who in that area, either SLP or RDH, might have been trained by us at Neo-Health Services, and give the info to the parent so she/he will have access to some names in the new location. Go to our Myo Grads Page and see who is in the area where they are moving and perhaps someone might not only be able to see him but have the names of DDS or oral surgeons in that area whom they trust to do the procedure. Here is the link and feel free to ask me about any names you find and I will let you know if they are a grad who has kept in touch with us, uses our tools/materials regularly and thus is actively doing treatment.
Sandra R. Holtzman