Sunday, 24 October 2010
Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, physical therapists, SLP-A, speech languge pathologist, Therapists, Uncategorized
Cannot seal liquid or suction
Dear Sandra,
May I ask regarding someone that can hold mouthwash with some effort (small amounts), but cannot seem to hold/water trap water? She states that she has to swallow immediately. We have been working very hard on suctioning, as this was very difficult for her. She has a very high and narrow palate. She is not very diligent with outside practice, so I am having a hard time telling if this is due to that or that I am missing something, which is why I need to come to your course!
Your new website is awesome…
I have the Water Trap Swallow in the Myo Manual that might be similar. We reach that point in steps, however, since there might be weaknesses at a more basic level that prevent her from being able to hold and trap water. There is probably leakage laterally or elsewhere; again, likely from weakness that has not been addressed at a lower level of achievement.
If the tongue cannot fit well within the dental arch, that would account for the leakage just mentioned and would also impact negatively on her chances of success in the program, depending upon just how high and narrow the palate is…and how well the tongue fits into it during flat suction.
I hope some of the above suggestions will help you rule out barriers in her way. And I hope you can come to a course, also.