Hello My 3 1/2 year old daughter sucks her thumb but we have been working with her to stop. A dentist separately mentioned the possibility of a need for a frenectomy. We live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY. Could you possibly recommend someone near us to discuss these issues with? Many thanks
Thank you for your inquiry. Here is the link to our graduates in New York. You will have to discern which ones practice close to you. They should be able to help you with both of the issues, although it is likely they will discuss waiting a bit longer for your daughter to address her sucking habit. https://orofacialmyology.com/orofacial-myologists-in-new-york/ If you have not yet gone to www.UnpluggingTheThumb.com website, do visit there. It will help you consider if the time is right for your daughter to “Unplug” her thumb or if it might be better for you to wait a while. You can go to the search box at the top of the page and click on keywords related to sucking habits. As far as the frenectomy is concerned, you can also enter keywords and learn a bit more about “tongue tie” and our views about it. Please keep us updated and be on the lookout for responses from our graduates.