Q: Can you elaborate a bit more on the dental appliances? I know nothing about them but you’ve talked first about devices dentists use such as VIVOS, ALF etc and then showed us some really scary ones. How do we sort out which are good to use and which are not? Also how do we determine when to refer for a dentist first and when to start treatment immediately?
A: Actually, I cannot elaborate much on the appliances. Bear in mind that the habit appliances, likely the “scary” ones you are thinking about….differ from the orthodontic systems such as you listed. Rakes, cribs, etc. are in a different category and are barriers to treatment whereas orthodontic system appliances work along with myo most of the time. There are so many ortho systems and appliances that is it easier to have a particular one in mind and then address that particular case. I am going to copy our dear RDH instructor on this question as she might perhaps have some additional general input to help you on a basic level know more about the various appliances. Also, if you have any particular one in mind, don’t forget Myo Masters is there with dental professionals to help us out. With that in mind, be sure you aren’t shy about helping them and others out on Myo Masters, also, as you likely have a wealth of knowledge that can benefit others, Iris. Thank you again for joining us …..