Q: Hi, does the book (Myo Manual) that is included in the Myo Kit have information on tongue thrust habit correction and exercises to improve sleep apnea?
A: Orofacial Myology does not have specific exercises for sleep apnea or airway issues or speech articulation, etc. The Treatment Program addresses the issues that are found during a thorough evaluation/assessment and targets only the exercises needed for any individual patient. There are, unfortunately, some “cookbooks” out there with a certain number of exercises that are the same for each client, but that is not “true myo” to be sure. Myo, as we teach it, fills in the blanks and it is applicable for most other diagnoses for any given patients. We address the myo issues to increase the chances of success. As far as “tongue thrust,” that is a somewhat outdated term that used to refer to the tongue going against or between the teeth and was thought to be the reason that the teeth moved or an open bite was created, or that the swallow was related to malocclusion. Much of that is considered myth today as the resting postures of the tongue, lips, and mandible are what matter for such patients. Explore the Q&A on our website, putting into the search bar various terms such as “tongue thrust,” “swallowing,” etc. and you’ll learn a whole lot. Another thing being used very often are the short online courses that I gave to two very nice organizations that allow dental and other allied health professionals to take the courses. They can be found on our site at the following:
Many view those courses prior to attending our full course and inevitably…. it “whets their appetites” to join our family of grads throughout the world. You might decide you will love to join us for our full course at some point; if so, the full cost of your Myo Kit will be given as a discount toward the course registration. You have to contact us personally as the website does not grant discounts
I don’t know if you had prior training, but we have had calls and email for decades begging up to provide a Supplemental Course for those who took training elsewhere. They felt a need to fill in the many gaps left by other trainers. I’ll include that brochure in case you had prior training. Our family of grads is on every world continent and they help one another, share forms, and have monthly virtual meetings to review treatment, assessment, clients, etc. That is one of many benefits we offer our past graduates.