SLP with tongue tie and OSA
Friday, 30 November 2012
My interest is more concerning: I have a new diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (hypopneas, actually), in which the MD believes that the base of tongue is falling into the airway (and per a recent laryngoscopy, my airway is small).
When I was a child, an orthodontist offered to clip it, but I wasn't having any difficulty with speech, and I hadn't really figured out that my childhood sleep disruption was apnea until all these decades later.
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, occupational therapists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, physical therapists, SLP-A, speech languge pathologist, Teacher, Therapists, Uncategorized
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Which Unplugging The Thumb kit?
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
I have a 2nd grade student who sucks her thumb. She is mentally challenged, but she is a higher functioning one. She is in resource class and the resource teacher put a glove on her hand to prevent the pattern. However, the girl will take it off. She has told the teacher that the thumb sucking does not bother her and she does not care what others think. I don't think I will get much support at home either from the parent. Do you recommend using the Unplugging the thumb material?
When to teach slurping and swallowing
Saturday, 10 November 2012
What do I need to correct or review, when a patient slurps always before swallowing? The tongue is on the spot, she bites down, lips pulled back, and then she slurps and swallows correctly. Do I have to work more with the middle and the back of the tongue? Do you have any suggestion?
Two year sucking habit
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Unfortunately, I have seen through the years that it is easier to eliminate the habit at an age much younger than two years old or to wait until the child is older. Sad,but true. Once the habit is firmly established for 2 years, it is hard to do anything about it until the child can make that decision for herself/himself based on information we can show them and reason with them about the habit.
Smith Magenis Syndrome
Sunday, 07 October 2012
She can produce "la" and "na" with the prop with her tongue tip, but can not produce "ta" and "da" with prop with tongue tip, instead she uses her mid tongue (which is her movement pattern in spontaneous speech).
SLP in Dubai needs Orofacial Myology information and help
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Recently I have had so many cases of oral motor disorders - especially unstable jaws and tongue thrusts and I feel as if my knowledge is limited and there really aren't too many people to refer to in Dubai.
How can I expand my knowledge being so far away?
Lip Licking Habit in 3 year old, causing red, sore lips
Monday, 24 September 2012
I have a 3 year old client in speech therapy - new this week - she is chronically licking her lips; sometimes just the lower, then other times all the way around the outside...
Incorrect swallow evaluation creates false positive
Monday, 17 September 2012
When one holds the lower lip down or uses lip retractors, the subject, in such artificially contrived circumstances, is encouraged to concentrate on their swallow, and a tongue forward initial movement is the typical result.
Hi I am interested in purchasing your Myo Manual
Monday, 10 September 2012
I started out using Garliner’s program, which sounds like the one you were introduced to. I used it in the 1970’s! It was great to get me started at that time, and frankly no one else had any satisfactory treatment program, so it was the only game in town. From that point, I began to incorporate everything I could learn and develop myself to cover a myriad of different types of patients that I felt come under the umbrella of orofacial myology.