Two year old mouth open retrognathic mandible
Sunday, 01 May 2022
I came into virtual contact with a two-year-old patient not too long ago. Some questions arose due to his breathing. This patient has no tongue tie or lip tie. He uses a sippy cup to drink. His mouth remains open for extended periods of time when relaxed.
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, occupational therapists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, Parents, physical therapists, SLP-A, speech languge pathologist, Therapists, Uncategorized
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Scary appliances vs orthodontic systems
Monday, 11 April 2022
Can you elaborate a bit more on the dental appliances? I know nothing about them but you've talked first about devices dentists use such as VIVOS, ALF etc and then showed us some really scary ones.
ADHD and tongue connections
Friday, 01 April 2022
If a patient has a tongue tie but no speech disorders, no swallowing disorders, no facial asymmetry, the palate is nice and wide etc but has ADHD. What is the likelihood a tongue tie revision will do anything to help the ADHD?
Can SLP treat TMJ-D referral
Tuesday, 15 March 2022
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Mouth prop for jaw sliding?
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OK to do lips and mentalis earlier
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Q: The Myo Manual has been very helpful! I have a question. I know every patient is different, but do you typically work towards passing proficiency exam #1 before you move on to any of the lip and mentalis exercises in phase 1? A: You may recall that we mentioned in class that the lip
Compromised Nares
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Recessed chin
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6 year old reverting to sucking thumb
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Dark L production and ankyloglossia
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Q: Some of my clients seem to have a dark L that is somehow “off”. Since the course, I have been considering it in regards to one client in particular and what we learned about tongue function. I wondered if the issue was making the L without enough activation of the lateral borders of the