Complex medical history and thumb sucking – Republished
I am a parent of a 3 year old. My child had a rough start, she was born early and was hospitalized for about 5 months with major complications including malignant sleep apnea, difficulty feeding, PDA ligation, IVH III (no shunt at this time), and a cerebellar stroke…. She, does not talk although she occasionally says mama and has said da, ba, no, and yes before. She has picked up sign language quite well, but her lack of expressive language is a concern. We are also, concerned because we have not been able to break her thumb sucking habit…
Unplugging The Thumb-Therapist Refill (GRADS)
Thumb sucking and vacation
I have a question about thumb sucking and vacation.
6 year old reverting to sucking thumb
Q: I was wondering if you could give me any advice or suggestions for my six year old who’s had a relapse in his thumb sucking? We went through the Unplugging the Thumb program earlier this year and he did fantastic with it. You may remember my email a few months ago speaking so highly
How to implement Unplugging the Thumb
Q: Hi! I am a therapist. I went through training way back in 2011 from someone else unfortunately, but haven’t seen too many patients. I’m going to be opening my own dental hygiene practice and will also be offering therapy. I just don’t have a solid thumb sucking program and heard yours is awesome! I was wondering
Ready to stop sucking fingers/thumbs
Q: I have two great nieces, sisters 7 and 9, who are ready to stop sucking fingers/thumbs. I think they both use both hands. What should I order for them? I live across the country from them but will be available to them by phone and FaceTime. A: Hi, It is so good to hear
Bad idea to begin thumb sucking program with 3 year old little ones
Hi I’m getting many myo clients since I took your course three months ago! Oh my goodness… Today I had my first thumb sucking patient that called about her girl’s 3 yr old thumb sucking habit. She’s coming to see me on Monday . I’m going to recommend the unplugging the thumb package. I bought
- Published in Dental Hygienist, Dentists, occupational therapists, Orofacial Myologist, Orthodontist, physical therapists, speech languge pathologist, Teacher, Therapists
Soft Sockie to Unplug the Thumb!
Hi, I have a question about unplugging the thumb program. I started with a new client yesterday. He’s 8 years old and wants to stop. When he called me this morning he said, “ I really tried hard last night but Sockie was really itchy.” Have you ever heard of this particular excuse before? Should
5 1/2 Year Old Who Sucks His Thumb
Hi, I’m a speech pathologist with a 5 and a half year old son who sucks his thumb. I never learned how to approach this problem in school unfortunately. I tried a lot of different ideas I heard about but nothing has been effective. I wonder if I started when he was too young. I
Is Unplugging The Thumb Program Enough?
Hi Sandra, How are you? I have two clients on thumb sucking program right now. How long do you suggest they wear Sockie? I have a 13 year old who is doing great. It has been 6 days and nights with NO slip ups. And a 6 year old who has been good too but